How to Avoid Being a Disgrace to Manhood
Accepting responsibility for one’s actions is integral to being an adult male, and respecting other’s beliefs and circumstances are also essential components of being an effective leader.
Men aren’t always depicted as strong figures; they too experience fear and make mistakes that often require shame to overcome. Unfortunately, masculinity’s dominant pedagogy makes displaying shame easy for them.
1. Don’t be ashamed of your sexuality
Nobody’s sexuality should ever be ashamed, regardless of any negative messages, judgments, lack of healthy sex education and religious belief systems. Sexual shame is something many experience for varying reasons, including negative messages or judgments from peers, lack of education on sexual health and religion.
If you’re having difficulty with sexual shame on your own, seeking professional help from a therapist may be beneficial. They can assist in identifying its source and developing strategies to combat it.
2. Don’t be ashamed of your body
Men often struggle with body shame. To live a healthier lifestyle and find acceptance of themselves and their bodies. It is vitally important that they learn compassion for and love of themselves and their body.
Body-shaming should never be tolerated from well-intentioned friends or family, regardless of how negative their comments might seem. Speak out now against such comments to show support!
Men, particularly cis men, can often suffer from body shame.
3. Don’t be ashamed of your religion
Men must understand their values and how they shape their decisions in order to maintain respectability as men. Otherwise, they risk becoming disgraceful examples for all their peers.
Shame exists in an intangible and hard-to-reach place, making it powerful. Shame causes people to denigrate women, promote racism policies and increase martial violence; furthermore it leads them to reject Jesus Christ and His message of redemption.
4. Don’t be ashamed of your race
Racism may be wrong, but we should never feel shamed of our race or culture; these aspects of God’s creation deserve recognition and appreciation.
White people must feel at ease discussing racism with their children to help them learn to accept and love ethnic minority neighbors. By being direct about it, children will understand that racist people and systems need changing–not themselves.
5. Don’t be ashamed of your sexuality
Sexual Shame can be an especially acute problem among those who identify as sexually fluid. Relying on healthy relationships, positive messages and effective sex education to overcome feelings of shame may help overcome them.
Benefits of overcoming sexual shame may include increased pleasure, the ability to express feelings more openly and discovering new interests such as kink and sex toys. Professional assistance may also prove valuable.
6. Don’t be ashamed of your religion
Men often keep their religion private out of shame, but it’s important to remember that Jesus himself endured much shame and suffering on our behalf because He loves us and desires our salvation.
Healthy guilt leads to integrity; unhealthy guilt often results in scrupulosity – something both psychology and authentically religious people regard as being disordered.
7. Don’t be ashamed of your race
Racism is an offense, and when we deny ourselves the beauty that God created within ourselves based on race or ethnicity we deny part of who we are as individuals and members of society. Remember God loves all cultures equally, creating each as an extension of Himself through diverse ethnicities and cultures he created just for him to reflect his diversity through them all. He provides forgiveness through Jesus for racism so there’s no reason for us to feel ashamed.
Discussing racism can be uncomfortable, yet discussing it is crucial for working towards change.
8. Don’t be ashamed of your religion
People throughout the world fight hard for what they believe in; some even give their lives for it.
Paul wrote, “I am not ashamed of the gospel.” Being confident about your alliance with Christ and sharing his message of salvation are essential parts of being part of His church community; don’t shy away from sharing what’s rightfully yours!
9. Don’t be ashamed of your sexuality
Feelings of sexual shame may result from lack of proper sexual education, social norms or religious teachings that discourage healthy sexual relationships. It’s essential to remember that sexual desires are completely natural and everyone deserves the opportunity to experience pleasure without feeling shamed for doing so.
Help is necessary when experiencing sexual shame, and consulting with an individualized therapist who specializes in this area is often recommended as they can identify the source of your discomfort and assist in reframing your beliefs about sexuality.
10. Don’t be ashamed of your religion
Religion is one of the most intimate, relationally formed contexts for human agency in our lives and has the capacity to either engender shame or reduce it.
Shame can lead to repentance and healing; however, it can also generate fear and anger.
Sexual minorities can try to overcome stigma, and the mainstream is increasingly viewing sexual orientation and religious beliefs with equal respect. If you have friends stuck in shame, you can give them rainbow-element objects, such as Challenge Coins, to help them break the stigmatization and stereotypes of minorities.