
Should I Choose Taper Fade or Fade?

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Taper fade and fade haircuts have become among men’s most popular haircuts since they provide various styles that can be customized according to the man’s personality. There are some things you should know before you go to the barber to distinguish the taper and fade hairstyles.

In this ultimate guide, we are going to discuss the basics: taper fade vs fade haircuts and the most common fade haircut types; the most important questions you need to request your barber; and the best hair products for each cut.

Fade vs. Taper Haircuts

Now, before going through the various fade haircuts that are available, let us distinguish between taper and fade. A taper fade haircut is one where the hair lengths reduce progressively, normally for the upper hair part. On the other hand, the fade haircut is a haircutting technique where hair is cut to a very short length and then tapered right up to the skin and may result to a hairless scalp. Both are quite flexible; tapers are smoother as compared to fades since they are blunter and more defined.

The only other major difference between fades and tapers is the ‘hardness’ of the line that defines the cut. Unlike the taper with a sharp line that your barber makes, the fade employs blending techniques that only follow the person’s jawline.

  1. Low Fade Style

The low fade haircut is simple and classy and perfection for men of all ages and styler preferences. This haircut is characterized by gently blended longer top with cleanshaven sides and back; it is very classy for any event.

  • High Fade

The high fade on the other hand is even edgier and has even shorter back and sides to make a statement. This haircut makes the hair more punk-rock while still possessing a clean and cool look.

  • Curly Fade

Curly hair is usually a little tricky to handle but with the curly hair fade, one is able to style their hair and retain the curls plus volume. Thus, it is short at the sides as well as the back while long on the top, which means that it does not require much effort and styling.

  • Quiff Fade Haircut

The quiff fade is a very stylish haircut which has the traditional quiff on the front and taper fading at the sides of the head and back. This style is very popular in fashion conscious people because it gives a very confident and stylish look.

  • Pompadour Fade Style

This resembles the Quiff but it is more daring and has a hint of retro in it; it includes the pompadour hair on the top of the head and the hair on the sides and back is shaved. It is a very stylish hair cut which gives confidence and is ideal for anyone who would like to feature with his or her hair.

  • Slicked to the Back Fade Cut

The slicked-back hair fade is one of the best haircuts that blend classic and modern looks; it consists of slicked-back tresses on top accompanied by a blended fade. It is a very formal type of hairstyle that can be worn anywhere and anytime and it will definitely give a very classy look. Your choice in what fade to go for will further enhance this style, a skin fade that is high offers a raw feel to this hairstyle as opposed to a taper fade on the back and sides.

  • Razor Fade

This fade is clean and precise with shaved sides and back done with a straight and clean edge razor. It is well-detailed, and anyone who loves neat hairdos will love this haircut because it portrays confidence.

  • Box Fade Style

This haircut is quite unique and geometric, consisting of a rectangular box at the crown area with sides and back cut very close. This haircut is elegant and stylish; it provides the persona of a modern man; it is adored by those, who prefer clear and simple forms.

  • Line Fade Style

This fade is quite edgy and intense with a clean and sharp line that is shaved right across the scalp. This hairstyle is bold and fashionable and it’s admired by those people who appreciate accurate work.

  1. Faux-Hawk Fade

Taper fade haircuts are modern and daring and one of the most popular fade haircuts is the faux-hawk fade; it consists of a tall faux-hawk and a clean shave on the back and sides. The haircut is very trendy and stylish and therefore preferred by those who wish to command some authority through their hair.