Psychological Facts About Love That You Will Really Love
Love can be both thrilling and terrifying all at the same time, causing both butterflies in your stomach and feelings of heartache to arise. Both reactions result from certain brain chemicals being released.
Studies have demonstrated that couples in love synchronize their heart rates and co-regulate their physiologies when gazing upon one another, as well as being easily identifiable by someone with dilated pupils.
1. You’re more likely to be happy when you’re in love.
Love and pain both activate similar brain pathways in our bodies, which could explain why losing someone we care for often feels like a physical blow. Furthermore, research has demonstrated that when we’re in love, our bodies release chemicals such as oxytocin and phenylethylamine which boost happiness levels but can also increase stress levels.
Studies indicate that people in long-term relationships tend to live longer. This could be because having someone special by your side helps reduce heart disease risk.
When in love, your eye’s pupil dilates in response to someone you are attracted to because your brain releases oxytocin hormone, which causes feelings of trust. Furthermore, during times of high stress your body produces even more oxytocin!
Studies have provided ample proof that true and lasting connections don’t just exist within romance novels’ imaginations; researchers have discovered that couples’ brain activity reveals their level of romantic love. Notably, this form of romantic attraction is sustained through release of chemicals like oxytocin and dopamine from brain receptors; similarly people in love are more likely to view life with optimism.
2. You’re more likely to be stressed when you’re in love.
Love can be a difficult and complex thing, filled with both joys and sorrows. An interesting aspect of love that may surprise many is how stressful it can be; studies have revealed that initial stages of romance result in elevated cortisol (the stress hormone), due to all the excitement associated with falling in love; conversely, once people enter committed relationships they tend to have lower levels of cortisol than its early days – possibly due to less anticipation for each subsequent date!
Love can actually help reduce physical discomfort! Studies have revealed that when people fall in love, their bodies release oxytocin – commonly referred to as the “love hormone” – which helps decrease inflammation and pain levels. Furthermore, cuddling someone you care for has also proven helpful for alleviating physical discomfort.
When in love, your pupils dilate as the brain releases chemicals to make you feel attracted to others – this explains why you often find yourself gazing longingly into the eyes of your partner even in crowds of people.
Love can also spur creativity. Studies have revealed that when people fall in love, their creativity often blossoms due to the sense of euphoria it provides. Furthermore, loving individuals tend to focus more on long-term goals, leading them to dream larger and accomplish more.
3. You’re more likely to be attracted to men with a strong jawline.
Research suggests that when people sweat they release an attractant called ‘love pheromone’ that attracts other people. Women, for instance, often find men smelling of sweat more appealing; similarly, homosexual men were drawn more towards other homosexual men’s scent due to increased testosterone production which leads to sexual orgasms and consequently increases attractiveness but can lead to cheating and unfaithfulness.
An essential factor when it comes to finding love is a man’s jawline. People tend to gravitate toward alpha males – that is, those with strong, square or chiseled jawlines – because this represents masculinity and dominance; strong jawlines often signify masculine characteristics in relationships while providing protection. Women find such men more desirable as long-term partners.
Another fascinating fact about love is its natural painkilling properties. Studies have demonstrated this phenomenon, with people in relationships experiencing less discomfort compared to those not involved. Researchers speculate this is likely because early stages of relationships see lower serotonin and higher cortisol levels than usual, alleviating pain more effectively than being single.
4. You’re more likely to be attracted to women who wear red.
One of the strangest psychology facts about love is its capacity to cause us to do some pretty bizarre things. According to research, being in love can cause our brains to shut off parts that monitor for consequences of our actions – thus permitting reckless acts like drunk-dialing at 3 am!
As part of being in love, our pupils dilate. This happens due to adrenaline flooding our body which creates the feeling that danger might be near. This adrenaline surge also gives rise to butterflies in your stomach – another telltale sign!
Researchers conducted several experiments in which heterosexual male undergraduates were asked to view pictures of attractive women wearing red clothing versus those in other colors (white, gray or blue shirts) digitally altered by researchers. Each time men rated women in red outfits as more desirable and sexually desirable than their counterparts in other hues – and it also appears that red signaled willingness for sexual encounters.
Men who frequent restaurants were more likely to tip female waitresses wearing red than other colors, suggesting that this color can act as an indicator of sexual receptivity, similar to how some animal species signal their willingness to mate by showing their genitalia and chests as signs of dominance.