
Benefits of Watching Movies for Children

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Kids can learn a great deal from watching movies. Watching can develop their executive functions, improve language learning and even provide them with historical context.

Movies provide children with invaluable lessons about love, friendship, good versus evil and family ties – but the best way for kids to benefit from these themes is coviewing with parents or other adults.

Create Awareness

Movies provide children with an interactive learning experience about the world they inhabit, by showing different cultures, time periods and customs from around the globe. Plus, watching these movies can inspire children by showing stories about people who have overcome hardships to achieve great things themselves.

Children can gain insight into the value of family and friendship through watching movies, as well as lessons about forgiveness and love from certain films. Such lessons are highly beneficial to their mental and emotional well-being.

Watching movies is also an effective way for children to develop their cognitive skills, from long-term memory formation and focus maintenance, through developing critical thinking abilities, to expanding vocabulary and encouraging creative playfulness.

Parents should encourage their children to watch movies together – known as co-viewing – which can help develop social skills while decreasing aggression risk related to solitary screen-time, according to research.

Give the Children Inspiration

Movie watching as part of family time can help children feel part of a community and form stronger social ties, building confidence in their abilities and leading them towards wanting to try new experiences. Watching movies together as a family may even foster better relations between members of both sides as well as provide new experiences to explore together.

Some movies can open the dialogue about certain issues and challenge viewers’ beliefs and values, which is especially helpful when teaching young children new ideas. For instance, if your child watches a film that portrays mental health disorders stigmatically, use it as an opportunity for dialogue on tolerance and acceptance.

Films can serve as sources of motivation by showing acts of kindness, bravery or love. According to one study conducted on children who watched Inside Out were able to relate to its animated emotions and even experienced goosebumps or tears at Bing Bong’s selflessness.

Develop Cognitive Skills

Watching movies is an excellent way for children to develop cognitive skills such as memory, concentration and attention. Cinema can also stimulate imaginations while helping kids think critically. Children can even gain knowledge about different cultures from watching these films.

Children can learn invaluable life lessons from movies, including friendship and teamwork lessons as well as perseverance and bravery lessons. Many movies also address themes about good vs evil as well as family values.

These messages become even more powerful when parents discuss movies with their children, as shown by research conducted at Azusa Pacific University by an assistant professor of social work. A coviewing study led by the same researcher concluded that children were most likely to understand and absorb a film when watching it with an adult and answering any related questions about it and applying its lessons directly to their lives.

Develop Linguistic Skills

Movies can help children develop many linguistic skills, from learning new words and phrases to understanding different parts of speech such as verbs and adverbs. Watching movies that teach vocabulary may prove especially effective.

Kids can gain valuable lessons about grammar and syntax from movies. For instance, when they see characters putting on accents or speaking incorrectly in certain scenes, they can ask their parents what it should sound like to improve their grammatical awareness and become better writers in the future.

Kids can benefit from watching movies that convey positive messages. For instance, films such as Joy can teach kids about the value of working with emotions for a happier life and foster greater understanding and supportive behavior in others.

Increase Imagination and Creativity

Kids are naturally imaginative and creative; movies provide them with the chance to explore various worlds–real or fantasy–that help foster these qualities in them. Through such experiences they may develop social skills, cognitive capabilities and emotional well-being.

Children learn a great deal by watching movies with their families; first understanding characters’ feelings, motives and actions before using their social intelligence to consider how they would respond in similar situations themselves. Furthermore, viewing movies also allows children to identify with its protagonist and explore potential solutions to its issues.

Family movies provide an ideal venue to teach values such as respect, cooperation, friendship, courage and perseverance. Movies also introduce vocabulary with its meaning and pronunciations as well as create scenarios to spark the imagination. Plus co-watching allows an opportunity to reinforce social norms while discussing the significance of following rules!

Entertain the Children in Many Ways

Movies provide entertainment and fun. Movies may contain themes that resonate with children and spark their imagination, giving them something to look forward to while helping them forget any worries and enjoy quality time with family members.

Movies are works of art that require immense amounts of work – from writing, animation and special effects – to create. By hosting regular family movie night events, children can learn more about these processes behind filmmaking while appreciating these films even more.

Penn State researchers suggest that talking with your children about positive and negative themes found in movies can teach them how to be better members of society. For example, watching Elsa show kindness by saving Anna with sisterly love in Frozen can teach them kindness; similarly seeing Voldemort bully Harry can inspire them to stand up for themselves and show courage.