
10 Ways to Ask Someone to Prom

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An elegant card or note is an effective and straightforward way to invite someone special to prom. Personalizing it with their name or a special message makes your invitation more personal.

Utilizing your moviemaking or acting abilities, create a short film about you two using moviemaking or acting skills. Reenact famous love confession scenes found in Hollywood films for added authenticity!

1. Use a Personalized Video

Snapchat’s custom filter feature offers an interesting way to ask someone special to prom in a unique and personal manner. Filters can be customized with their name, prom date details and any message or quote that best represents your relationship.

Create an intimate experience by writing an engaging letter. Express why they’re the ideal date and praise their unique qualities before ending it with an emotional plea, reminding them you’re waiting patiently for their response.

If you know her favorite film, why not create a fun video of yourself recreating one of its scenes? Or you could add balloons spelling “prom” on their locker or room door as a playful and unexpected way of inviting them. Or surprise them at work by showing up with something special as well as a poster inviting them?

2. A Promposal Food Delivery

Food can be an easy way to ask someone out. Consider giving a pizza bearing the words, “Prom?” written on it or asking a fast-food joint to put their question up on their menu board.

If they enjoy games, try coming up with an entertaining promposal idea using one of their favorites. Recreate a famous Hollywood love confession scene or create a personalized crossword puzzle or Mad Lib with “Will you attend prom with me?” as the question.

As an extra special surprise, get their friends involved. Have them accompany the individual to you with signs that spell “prom” or include two boxes for them to check off as they arrive at your place of celebration. Be sure to have someone record it all so you have a keepsake from this special momentous occasion!

3. Write a Heartfelt Letter

If you can’t ask your crush in person, sending them a letter is an ideal way of showing your affection and giving them something they can keep as a memory of you both.

Handwritten letters are best and should be avoided as many find text promposals awkward and impersonal.

If your date loves movies or television, create an adorable video reenacting their favorite scene. Or use a sign or wear a T-shirt with promposal written on it; if your school has a marquee you could also write your message there! It will make an unforgettable first date!

4. Give Her a Bouquet of Roses

An elegant bouquet of roses is an effective way to ask someone out on prom. Make it extra memorable by spelling “prom” using cards on each stem (e.g. ‘P’, ‘R’ etc) before handing her each card individually throughout the day.

If your crush enjoys plush toys, consider giving them one with an invitation to prom written on it in handwriting or put the note inside a puzzle such as jigsaw or crossword so they have to work at understanding it themselves.

Depending on how well you know your crush, getting her friends involved could make for the ultimate promposal! Just be sure that only someone you can trust takes part, and have a plan B in case she says no!

5. Make a Special Cake or Cookies

If your crush loves sweets, create an irresistibly charming way of asking her out: bake her something tasty while including an invitation to prom. A sweet gesture like this could just seal the deal for a yes response!

If your date loves stuffed animals, give her one with a personalized card reading: “Prom would be unbearable without you. Please be my date!”

Use an interactive promposal such as printing your message onto a jigsaw puzzle as an engaging promposal that’s sure to get her yes! This creative gesture could get a positive response.

Surprise your date at her after-school job by surprising her with a poster or bouquet spelling “Prom?” Her coworkers and classmates will love hearing the secret! For an extra creative twist, use the school marquee to display your promposal; just be sure to consult the administration first!

6. Plan a Promposal Scavenger Hunt

If your potential prom date loves food, make a fun scavenger hunt just for them! Spell “Prom?” out in pizza toppings, candies and/or sweet cake pieces; fill a box full of these goodies and include a note inviting them to attend prom.

Use a poster board and ask a friend to make a sign bearing your message and display it at their next game or practice to ask them directly. Hold up the sign at their next event as an open invitation to ask them!

If your date loves movies, try including something cinematic in their promposal to demonstrate that you took time and care in personalizing their experience. Plus, they’ll have something memorable to tell their friends! Similarly, this technique could work with TV shows or books they enjoy – just make sure it has something they can relate to!

7. Make a Scrapbook Highlighting Your Time Together

Those of you who have known your special lady for some time should create a scrapbook of memories you’ve shared together, including photos, tickets and any memorabilia collected over time. Even if she isn’t an avid reader herself, this thoughtful present will surely leave an impression.

Write “Prom?” on numerous napkins or blank papers and recruit someone to stage an elaborate fake spill of them all over the floor, prompting her to see them all spread across her path. Record a voicemail for her or have someone inform her you recorded something special just for her – either way it should get your point across and convince her she should come with you to prom.

Make things fun for her by creating a puzzle with pieces of paper spelling out your question and give it to her so she can solve it herself – this will give her the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge!

8. Decorate Her Room

Prom is an exciting event, so make sure your crush feels special by giving her something she wants – such as a cuddly stuffed animal she likes – with a handwritten note saying: “Prom would be unimaginable without you; will you be my date?”

If your crush loves movies, create an adorable video reenacting their favorite scene from one. Or take things further by decorating her room with movie posters or balloons!

If she plays sports, interrupt her practice with a sign inviting her to prom. Or have her teammates hold up signs to ask as well! If you lack the confidence to ask directly, text promposals may also work; just be careful not to overdo it as she might interpret that as not truly caring!

9. Plan an Outdoor Movie Night

There are countless cute ways to ask someone out, but this one will truly woo her! Place a pet-friendly sign that reads “Will You Be My Date to Prom?” somewhere she visits frequently (e.g. in their yard or locker), or on something beloved like their favorite stuffed animal or favorite plant.

Provide her with her favorite treat and write a note that says, “prom would be unbearable without you”. This will leave her beaming with joy! This idea will surely put a smile on her face.

If you feel confident enough, use an aggressive approach and ask her directly. Although this might feel risky at first glance, if it’s the right decision it could become one of the most memorable ways to pop the question! Just be prepared for her answer to be no.

10. A Princess Promposal

Make promposal more magical! A creative promposal can show your date how much they mean to you while giving them something fun to remember at prom! This unique promposal idea makes prom an eventful memory.

Discern if your crush appreciates music and consider recording an original song just for them as a unique and heartfelt way of asking them out to prom. Chances are high they’ll say yes!

If your goal is more modest, a simple poster or sign will do. Just be sure to include her favorite colors, music genres or TV series! Enlist some help from her friends; just be careful they don’t spoil the surprise!