The Best Exercises for Weight Loss
Ideal, weight loss should come from a combination of diet, physical activity and sustainable behavioral modification. A quality exercise plan should incorporate both cardio and resistance training for maximum results.
According to experts, moderate-intensity cardio exercises such as walking, jogging and easy cycling should be your initial starting point for fitness.
Walking is an effective and low-impact form of exercise that can burn a surprising amount of calories in just 30 minutes per session. Plus, regular walks have the added bonus of stimulating endorphin production which in turn boosts energy levels, reduce stress and anxiety and enhance mood. Walking also strengthens leg and calf muscles as well as increasing bone strength while simultaneously helping lower blood pressure, decrease risk for heart disease and cut cholesterol levels significantly.
Walking routines are convenient and can be done anywhere. People can break their walks up into shorter 10-minute increments throughout the day to maximize efficiency. Find a time and day that works for you, and stick with it. If this is new to you, start slowly before progressing into more rigorous workouts.
To maximize its calorie-burning effects, it is best to increase the pace of your walk. Walking at an increased speed (between 2 and 3 mph) will help you burn 33% more calories than when taking slower walks; but beware; too fast can leave you breathless!
Jogging and running can help to break down extra belly fat quickly, as these total-body exercises burn an estimated 372 calories in 30 minutes. Before engaging in any new fitness regime, however, it’s always advisable to seek medical advice first if you are overweight or have been inactive for an extended period.
Interval training can also be a powerful way to make walking workouts more effective, by alternating periods of power walking with short rest periods – providing your heart stays near maximum rate during each session.
Add weights to your walking routine in order to increase difficulty and maximize muscle toning. Weighted vests, wrist or ankle weights or simply carrying light dumbbells should all make this exercise more challenging while intensifying muscle toning. Just ensure the weights don’t make your normal pace harder – light is best!
Yoga might not be your go-to weight loss exercise of choice, but it can be an invaluable asset when combined with healthy diet and other forms of physical activity. Yoga aims to strengthen, stretch and raise body awareness as you become stronger, more flexible and mindful about what goes in. Furthermore, it has also been found to reduce stress levels while improving sleep which are both key factors when it comes to losing and keeping off the pounds.
Yoga practice has the ability to increase strength, mobility and cardiovascular health for people who practice regularly at least twice weekly for eight weeks. A recent study concluded that those practicing yoga had lower cortisol levels, less stress and depression as well as better balance and flexibility compared to non-yogis. Yoga not only offers physical benefits; it can help create a supportive community of healthy lifestyle behaviors such as regular aerobic exercise and healthy eating habits that contributes to long-term weight loss success.
Though yoga may not typically be thought of as a high-intensity workout, certain forms can be more rigorous and burn more calories than others. If you want a challenging yoga experience that helps burn off more calories quickly, try Vinyasa or power yoga – they involve fast-paced movements which engage all parts of your body simultaneously.
Consistency is key when it comes to practicing yoga for weight loss, says Krucoff. Once you commit to practicing regularly, you’ll begin seeing results in your core, arms, legs and glutes, she notes. “As your progress with yoga poses progresses you may notice they require greater stability or support; these changes in poses will tone muscles for an overall leaner physique.”
Plank pose, for instance, is designed to engage both your core and shoulders and to test your balance, while other yoga poses such as downward dog help strengthen shoulders, backs, forearms and wrists – increasing arm strength can even create an attractive upper body profile, according to experts.
Yoga may not typically be seen as an intense cardio workout, but when performed at higher intensities in hot studios it can become such. You could also add yoga into a weight-loss regimen by pairing it with shadow boxing or running, to increase total caloric expenditure.
Strength Training
Though all forms of exercise should help your heart rate rise, certain workouts burn more calories than others. Whether your aim is weight loss or simply improving overall health, tailoring an exercise program specifically to your needs and goals in 2023 could make a tremendous difference – for instance walking, yoga and strength training may all offer potential weight-loss benefits.
Though weight lifting may cause fear among some individuals, building muscle can actually increase metabolism and help you burn more calories at rest than fat does. While you may not have time for full-body strength sessions, including even just simple sets of exercises will show noticeable results in improving results.
Strength training can be challenging because overdoing it can quickly lead to injury and reduced performance. To avoid this pitfall, work out with a coach or trainer who will show you proper form and technique for each exercise; alternatively you can try some basic bodyweight exercises or resistance bands at home. For optimal results, target one muscle group at a time each workout, performing one to three sets until muscular fatigue sets in, then rest for at least a day before repeating this routine again.
As your abilities improve, start increasing the weight you use on each set. Aim to perform three sets of 8-12 repetitions of each movement until you feel comfortable completing them without assistance from another partner. If this is your first experience with strength training, using a spotter may help.
HIIT workouts tend to produce the greatest afterburn effect, but that doesn’t mean they need to be performed on a regular basis. A circuit-style strength session that incorporates compound movements and super sets will still create an afterburn, as will pairing upper-body exercises with lower-body workouts.
Throwing around a medicine ball can be both enjoyable and productive; it helps strengthen core muscles while raising your heart rate for an efficient fat-burning workout. Simply stand with feet hip-width apart, engage your core, bend knees and elbows slightly as you scoop the medicine ball up before dropping it onto the ground with force.
Finding an exercise plan tailored specifically to your weight-loss goals can be dauntingly overwhelming, and with so many programs, trends, and quick fixes out there that claim they can help – but finding one can be equally as complex. In order to shed unwanted pounds the right way it’s crucial that a comprehensive strategy be put in place which includes both cardio and strength training programs.
Most doctors advise participating in moderate to vigorous aerobic activity at least five days per week, especially those trying to lose weight. Exercise can help burn calories, improve your cardiovascular health and boost energy levels while increasing metabolism so you’ll continue burning calories even when not exercising.
Finding an exercise you enjoy and can stick to is key for successful weight loss. Jogging or biking may be more appealing than treadmill interval training; find an activity that meets both your preferences and fitness level to achieve lasting weight loss. Make time each day for at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise that improves health while contributing towards weight loss goals.
Cardio workouts not only burn calories during workouts, but can also help you burn more fat as you reduce body fat. Furthermore, cardio can preserve lean muscle mass to avoid losing valuable tissue as you decrease body fat.
Be sure to incorporate both high-impact activities, such as running or jumping, and low-impact exercises like walking or swimming into your cardio routine. Varying workouts will prevent overtraining or injury. Plyometrics exercises combining high impact movements with short periods of rest can help accelerate fat burn. You could also include full body compound movements targeting multiple muscles at once such as squats, lunges or presses which will also help build muscle faster.